calçot мне в рот* 🧅 🍅 🥬 🧑‍🌾 🧅 🍅 🥬 🧑‍🌾 🧅 🍅 🥬 🧑‍🌾 On the last day of the season – we decided to try the renowned Catalan calçots – the grilled green onions! 🧅 First, we were given special bibs to avoid getting soiled. This was already far too complex for me… but well… The food looked delicious. The calcots were served on terra-cotta tiles. They clearly had to teach us how to eat Catalan style. 🍅 The Pa Amb Tomàquet – tomato bread with garlic – comes first. You cover the bread with garlic and then with tomatoes. I managed to fail again… But well… 🥬 Then there was the artichoke – there wasn't much to consume. 🧅 Finally we y got to the calcots, which you peel by hand and dip in a special sauce before eating. We were already kinda full but we received a meat plate after that. And for dessert, I chose Crema catalana, which is very close to my favorite crème brûlée. This all was absolutely worth the 35€ we paid for the Calçot menu. Overall, it was a fantastic experience! If you want to learn about Catalan culture, start with Calçotada! *calçot мне в рот = “calçot mnie v rot” – literally means “calçot in my mouth”. It just rhymes in Russian in a funny (naughty) way. 🍅 🥬 🧑‍🌾 🧅 🍅 🥬 🧑‍🌾 🧅 🍅 🥬 🧑‍🌾 🧅 #Petar #PetarDimitrov #PetarRecommends #CatalanPetar

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